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five-eight discography: compilations |
fuel![]() |
Seven bands from athens, ga. Also featured are hayride, roosevelt, thorny hold, bliss, jack o' nuts, and magneto. This is a great album.
distributed by ZONTAR, 197 east clayton st. athens, ga 30601 |
the flagpole christmas album |
The first flagpole compilation of athens musicians playing xmas ditties. Other fine moments include the LaBrea Stompers' version of you're a mean one, mr. grinch and Roosevelt's there ain't no santa claus.
true story |
A task force for the homeless benefit compilation. Five-Eight contributed the song "Maurice" and played it and others at a fine benefit release concert at the Roxy. Tina Traber was in charge of the album.
sorry, ma, forgot to let out the cat![]() |
A replacements tribute album, featuring athens musicians as usual. Another great album, it has quite a few scooby snacks, including the germans' utterly amazing rendition of seen your video. Proceeds benefitted the Athens Area Humane Society.
five-ring circus![]() |
This was put out for the '96 Olympics, essentially. It has two CD's packed with local music, including some great stuff from Jack Logan, the Hot Burritos, Brute, Redneck Greece and the Stump Broke Steers, and Love Tractor. Even an R.E.M. ditty (albeit an old one). It even had it's own www site, at www.athens-music.com, but this seems to have died. This internet stuff is getting scary.
jesus christ superstar - a resurrection![]() |
This disc has a cast of thousands, and is really wonderful even if you don't care for musicals. Check out the superstar site for more details. |
soundtrack to the bible belt![]() |
The first fruit of my labors with this discography. There are a bunch of southeastern bands on it, but it's not the usual mix that show up with five-eight. Interesting album. The five-eight track was written, I believe, about the band Bliss, after they broke up. The original title was the road kicked the shit out of my favorite band which has a little more ring to it, IMHO. You can hear Bliss on Fuel.
This compilation was put out by anhedonia recordings, p.o. box 128254, nashville, tn 37212. Phone them at (615) 731-5737 ext. #3. You can try to email them at anhedonia@belmont.edu; I've heard that this address may be a bouncer, though. I found it at Low Yo Yo Stuff, next to the 40 Watt in athens; you might try there for this or other 5-8 or local paraphenalia; they have lots of rare and unusual music goodies. Email lowyoyo@mindspring.com if you're far from Athens. |
athfest '98![]() |
Yet another compilation of Athens music. The five-eight song is a cover of Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love, and it's not your average cover. In classic five-eight style, it rocks and disturbs. AthFest is the Athens Music and Arts Festival, this one was held July 16-19, 1998. This is essentially a publicity CD for that event, but it certainly has a strong and varied set of local artists. More on that later. The release show featured Jack Logan, Alex Marquez, then Kitty Snyder, then Five-Eight, then Jucifer. My first chance to see new drummer Mike Rizzi; it was really incredible.
This compilation was put out by local bastion of cool music ghostmeat records, p.o. box 54693, atlanta, ga 30308. Email them at ghostmeat@aol.com or see their site. |
99x locals only |
Another task force for the homeless benefit compilation, this one put out by Atlanta alternapop/bubblegrunge station WNNX, 99.7 FM. Has 20 tracks of local artists, including Michelle Malone, Trinket, the Vigilantes of Love, Dayroom, and many others. Stumbled on this one at Borders' Bookstore in Atlanta while buying the May issue of Boot. Boy, keeping up with all these compilations is rough... I'll scan it in soon, I promise.
athfest '99![]() |
Well, AthFest looks to be here to stay, and Five-Eight generally figures prominently. Anyone able to should definitely try to make it one year; the sheer number of quality bands you can see is really quite overwhelming. The '99 athfest was quite a blast; five-eight took the outdoor stage and played a hell of a show. Mike seemed to be in one of his... uh... confrontational moods, which translated to great twitching guitar solos, a busted knee and a shattered Gibson. The stage was essentially on the marble/concrete steps of the courthouse, very unforgiving. Mike's solo show at Lunch Paper started mildly; Mike seemed to want to just play a quiet set and get out. But someone talked him into playing weirdo, and the rednecks in the vault started hooting about being drunk or something, and Mike ended up breaking a chair and a fair number of bottles, all while merrily singing the tune. They asked him to leave at that point. ANYWAY, the track of interest on the album is oh surgery, a Mike Mantione "solo" piece featuring five-eight members Dan and Mike Rizzi, as well as Matt White of Grass Roots Studios on keyboards. You need this track. It is beautiful and heartrending. Also on the album is the usual fine selection of local talent. Those who read Rolling Stone will be glad David Barbe and Jack Logan are featured; the rest are all very familiar to those of us comfortable enough at the 40 Watt to snooze through dull sets.
This compilation was also put out by ghostmeat records, p.o. box 54693, atlanta, ga 30308. Email them at ghostmeat@aol.com or see their site. |
got live (if you want it)![]() |
This compilation, a benefit for the AIDS Coalition of Northeast Georgia, consists of live tracks from various "Live Noise" shows on local station Rock 103.7. The quality and cohesion of this album is very high - I'm still giving it the first 100 listens, but am tentatively tossing it into the "great Athens compilation" pile with fuel and sorry, ma... Five-Eight is represented by a fantastic, previously unreleased track called orlando. This track really confirms my feeling that the new Five-Eight has returned to a position of real strength for them - their big rock sound of the mid-90's is taking back seat to a more angst-driven, beauty/pain focus that makes you laugh nervously or just burst into tears. The concerts have been less well attended, but more spontaneous; I saw two shows on consecutive fridays that were completely different and totally wonderful. The album itself has plenty of other great moments. My pals Deacon Brody have a wonderful version of No Vacancy. Kevn Kinney's Chico and Maria is also great, and Guadalcanal Diary's Litany comes barrelling into the present with enormous power. Tip of the month is to keep an eye on Josh Joplin; he's really stood out on the scene lately and is a supernice guy to boot.
This compilation was put out by local bastion of cool music ghostmeat records, p.o. box 54693, atlanta, ga 30308. Email them at ghostmeat@aol.com or see their site. |
records for the working class![]() |
This compilation was put out by Deep Elm Records, who will presumably be distributing the boys' next album. Deep Elm can be contacted at PO Box 36939, Charlotte, NC 28236, (704) DE-DIRECT, info@deepelm.com, and http://www.deepelm.com, so if you can't get aholt of them that's your problem. The album even has its own web page, where you can order it online. The other bands on this compilation were largely unknown to me, which might just show how little I get out these days. It's definitely worth a listen, though. There does seem to be this suspicious obsession with airplanes and stars tying it all together, but that might just be coincidence. The track we're interested in, though, is the fabulous she's sleeping. If you've been out to see the band lately, you might remember it as the track that starts out with the weird echo/repeater guitar effect at the beginning. I think, for once, I'll spare y'all my usual ranting. This is a great track, and the album should be just incredible. I can't wait.
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